
Hi, I’m Miranda, a game programmer, firmware engineer, and erstwhile writer in Minneapolis. 

I love video games—badly enough that I went back to school in 2015 because I wanted to understand how they and the machines they run on work. In January 2018 I graduated with a BS in computer science from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities with curriculum focused around graphics, machine architecture, and object-oriented programming methods. Since graduation I’ve been working as a firmware engineer for a large hardware company.

I originally graduated with a BA in English literature and journalism in 2010, also through the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. While working toward that degree I was an editor for the undergraduate literary magazine Ivory Tower, I wrote a feature about friendships in World of Warcraft for a student magazine, and I interned at Tiger Oak Publications. After graduation I was the managing editor for the Boundary Waters Journal, a quarterly magazine about the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Quetico Provencial Park. I’ve written a novella-length piece of near-future science fiction about people who traffic in intellectual property in a post-digital piracy world by dealing it in person, but I mostly just wrote it for me.

I think a lot of things could be a lot better. I’m doing what I can.